Buildings: construction secrets

Build a building? A company that may seem simple to the buyer but represents a real technical, administrative and commercial challenge for the developer.

Building a building is a much longer and more complex operation than purchasers generally imagine. Here a wood residence in the process of completion signed Rei.© REI

Between the sale of land and the delivery of an apartment, what is happening? What are the main steps that allow a residence to see the light of day? How is the buyer involved in the project? Decoding of a building construction in outline.

1. The choice of the site

Green spaces are becoming more and more attractive to buyers.

First step, the choice of a field. The presence of infrastructures, services, shops, liberal professions, transport is essential. Alain Goujon, director of production and cost control at Nexity, explains that to know if a land is suitable for a construction project and if so which, “Nexity has developed an instrument that allows for an extremely fine analysis of main pools of jobs, the profession of people, income on the commune. “

Proponents are also trying to find locations with as little nuisance as possible. Green spaces will be a real highlight. The region will be a key factor in launching the project. For Norbert Fanchon, CEO of the Gambetta Group, “in the tense areas of Paris and the First Crown, the Alpes-Maritimes and the French Genevois, we do not hesitate to embark on an operation”. Elsewhere, where the market is mostly driven by investors or competing with the individual house, “we are more cautious, we want to be sure to market our programs.”

2. The feasibility study

Located in Limeil-Brévannes, South Perspective is a construction of the group Gambetta. Under its apparent simplicity are hidden many attentions to standards and architectural details.© Gambetta

The building permit is not easily obtained. The mayor and the local authorities will have to approve the project. The proponent must therefore carry out an analysis on the urban plan to know what it is possible to do in the municipality according to the architectural, environmental notebooks … It must gather technical data, on the ground for example with a geotechnical study . “We see if we have to do a demolition, we study the history of the site to know if it is a former industrial site or not, whether or not to consider cleansing the soil which implies not insignificant expenses from a financial point of view, “ details Alain Goujon. Because for his part,

At the same time an architect studies the feasibility of the building: its shape, its position … It is then that are defined more precisely the typology of the apartments and the percentage of studios, two rooms, etc. which will be built, which will determine the architecture of the residence. The developer asks the architect to develop his project according to the destination of the property. “We have to find an economic balance,” says Isabelle Megnegneau, director of Réalités agency in Rennes. ” The exit price of the property must correlate with the neighborhood. An ambitious architecture, beautiful materials, large balconies … all this will be possible only on exceptional locations. “He also asks him to respect the specificities of his buildings. For example, at Rei, a company specializing in the eco-construction of wood buildings, “we are looking for new generation technical solutions, we are in the process of innovating with partners who want to build” differently “,” explains Paul Jarquin.

3. The building permit

A building under construction by Agence REALITES Rennes. The buyer can begin to imagine more concretely his future residence.© Agence REALITES Rennes

The training phase. Once the building permit has been filed in town hall, the training phase starts from three to six months depending on the characteristics of the project. From the display in town hall and in the field, administrative appeals can be made by third parties, that is associations, residents … who dispute the project. “This challenge can be amicable,” says Hervé Puybouffat, president of Tagerim Promotion. “But the petitioners can appeal to the administrative court. As a result, the project is stuck for several years. “The developer must wait for the building permit to be purged of these remedies. Then the mayor gives his consent or not. If he refuses the permit, he must explain why. If the mayor grants the permit, the preparation for the commercial launch can begin.

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